Hashomer Hatzair and Tzedek Centers

Swords of Iron War

In the fires of war, in the burning, in the fire, 

Among stormy days of the blood, 

Here I am lighting my little torch, 

In order to search, to search for a human being.

Hanna Senesh

Hashomer Hatzair, with 110 years of social and educational activity, and the Tzedek Centers, with hundreds of their activists, have joined forces in establishing an emergency system aimed at providing immediate assistance for all the families whose lives were turned upside down. Hashomer Hatzair and Tzedek Centers stand at the forefront of the social struggle and strengthen the home front these days. 

We are carrying out emergency activities in several areas:

Educational activities and support for families in shelters in Ashkelon, Be'er Sheva, Ashdod, and other cities, and assistance to the population who cannot evacuate in the Gaza border region.

Hosting displaced families in the seminar center in Givat Haviva and in volunteer homes throughout the country.

Emotional and educational support for kibbutzim evacuated from the Gaza envelope to centers in Eilat, the Dead Sea, Kfar Menachem, Ma'aleh HaHamisha, Tel Aviv, Nahsholim, and Givat Olga, including support, emotional activities, and providing various basic needs.

Organizing volunteer support activities in local municipalities throughout the country, including joining municipal aid efforts, assisting with sheltering, operating phone hotlines, collecting equipment and donations for the residents of the southern region and the Gaza envelope, providing support for children of the medical team, and more.

Activities during this period

Embracing the South! An educational framework for communities from the Gaza envelope in hotels

We went to our communities and our youth from the evacuees who are now in Eilat, the Dead Sea, Ma’aleh HaHamisha, Hadera, and ten other locations across the country. There, we provide comprehensive educational support for children and youth. Meeting with the familiar counselors, warm hugs, group activities and play that bring a smile are beyond meaningful during this time. We are constantly examining the continuation of activities based on the different needs that arise from the field. We will continue to provide assistance as long as the communities need us.

Hosting Displaced Families

With the outbreak of the war on Saturday morning, the staff of the seminar center in Givat Haviva began rapid preparations to host families from the south. Clean rooms were prepared, phone lines were opened, and the reception of families began. In collaboration with the Havatzelet Foundation and the Givat Haviva Campus, a comprehensive system was established to accommodate families and provide for all their needs, including equipped rooms, a dining room providing full meals, extensive educational activities for children, therapeutic and emotional support and more. Currently, the Givat Haviva rooms are fully occupied, and continuous efforts are being made to accommodate more families as the phone does not stop ringing.

The activity at Givat Haviva, from morning to night, is carried out with the goal and desire to create, even for a few moments, a sense of security and protection for all the families coming from Ashkelon, Ofakim, Sderot, and more. We seek to remind them that they have someone to whom they can turn for any need that arises, and to know that the Givat Haviva team will do everything in its power to provide the required assistance.

"Open House" Centers for Gaza Border Residents

From the first day of the war, a wide coordination center for hosting was established under the auspices of the Tzedek Centers and Hashomer Hatzair. To date, more than 7,000 families have registered at the center, with housing solutions provided for around 800 families and numerous inquiries still coming in. The center, including a Russian-speaking department, already involves more than 200 volunteers, many of whom are members of Hashomer Hatzair or activists in the Tzedek Centers. The Center’s volunteers work tirelessly to match families willing to host with those seeking accommodation.

Our Activity in Local Municipalities

Among our activities in local municipalities are operating shelters in southern and coastal cities, daycare for children of medical professionals, operating equipment and food collection centers, and the preparation of shelters. Already in the early days of the war, the movement’s counselors, including kibbutzim members and graduates, began providing educational activities for children of medical professionals in hospitals. This is alongside the educational activity in shelters in southern and coastal cities and the north. The Nachshonim Youth Houses in these areas received immediate approval from the municipalities to continue their important activity in neighborhoods out of an understanding of the importance and urgency of providing children with a safe and pleasant place to be while their parents work.

Protectors of Partnership

Right here, right now. We are the foundation for goodness and solidarity in the face of widespread violence and racism around us.

هنا بالذات والآن بالذات. نحن أساس الحياة الطيبة أمام العنف والعنصرية المستشرية حولنا .

We are organizing a series of activities and events to promote solidarity and partnership between Arabs and Jews and calling other organizations to join us. Only a broad network of organizations can deal with the volatile situation we find ourselves in.

نحن ندعوكم لإقامة سلسلة نشاطات وفعاليات ومناسبات لتطوير التضامن، والشراكة بين العرب واليهود. ما سيمنع ويحول وسيتصدى لهذا الوضع.الشائك الذي نعيش به هو تنظيم شبكة منظمة واسعة

We are looking for partners and volunteers  to initiate and join meetings, lectures, tours, and the establishment of forums for community leaders in cities and between cities, youth events, protests, protest art, and more.

نحن ندعوكم للمبادرة والانضمام للقاءات، محاضرات، جولات.اقامة منتديات لقيادين جماهيريين.في البلد وخارجه. نشاطات شبيبة،أحداث احتجاجية ، فن احتجاجي وما شابه ذلك

Activities of Ajyal, the Arab division of Hashomer Hatzair, in hotels in the cities of Nazareth and Rahat

In the city of Rahat, which was directly affected by one of the initial barrages, Ajyal, the Arab division of Hashomer Hatzair, in collaboration with the municipality, initiated a training program for young volunteers to restore resilience to residents. In Nazareth, educational activities are being held for children and youth from the Arab village of Arab al-Aramashe, who have been evacuated from their homes.

On the home front and on the front lines

Members of Hashomer Hatzair and the Tzedek Centers, were recruited in large numbers to reserves military duty just hours after the outbreak of the war. The soldiers are dedicated and committed to the war effort and national mission. The members of the movement who are part of the Nahal unit, are engaged in various missions on the home front and the front lines. Active soldiers from the movement’s Nahal service are participating in educational activities in shelters in Ashkelon and educational programs for evacuees staying in hotels.

“Together with tens of thousands of people from Israeli society, we left everything behind, packed our bags, and arrived to carry out the tasks of the hour. The tasks we are performing are diverse: replacing regular soldiers in the front lines, strengthening the home front, and engaging in combat at the front.

In these missions, we operate according to the needs of the hour and are present wherever we are needed, bringing with us the spirit of the movement, raising morale, and engaging in value based dialogue about the situation
Hazak Ve’ematz”.

Oded, Kibbutz Nevo, Golani Brigade 9307


Hashomer Hatzair and the Tzedek Centers salute the movement’s youth and graduates who are called up for military service. This includes Nahal Brigade fighters and supporters, fighters on the front lines, and those serving on the home front. This also includes all graduates of the movement, those enlisted in the reserves, and all the security forces that tirelessly work to defend the country and save lives. Go in peace and return in peace. We stand behind you.

“We must educate our youth to hate war and to rejoice in the cessation of hostilities.” – Yigal Allon.

